New location in Berlin
With our new location, we can offer our customers an even better service for the German market.
Bild von Inspiralia in Berlin
mobility turnaround: 2 new calls
The two calls “Zero Emission Mobility” and “Mobility 2023:” offer companies great help for the mobility transition. Here you will find an overview of both calls for proposals.
Bild von ENIN Förderprogramm
New location in Berlin
With our new location, we can offer our customers an even better service for the German market.
Bild von Inspiralia in Berlin
mobility turnaround: 2 new calls
The two calls “Zero Emission Mobility” and “Mobility 2023:” offer companies great help for the mobility transition. Here you will find an overview of both calls for proposals.
Bild von ENIN Förderprogramm
EU Fundings

EIC Accelerator

The EIC Accelerator is aimed at small and medium-sized companies that develop disruptive, high-risk innovations with great market potential. It is primarily aimed at companies that have high growth potential and operate on a European or international scale.

Glühbirnen - Inspiralia Büro

What is supported

A prerequisite for funding in the EIC Accelerator is a high-risk idea with high market potential and a high degree of innovation. Therefore, it should be a disruptive innovation that involves a complete restructuring or disruption of existing, traditional business models, products, technologies or services. Both technical and non-technical innovations, such as social innovations or innovations in the service sector, are supported.

Take advantage of our free Accelerator Pre-validation and find out quickly and easily whether your projects can also benefit.

Grant amounts range from €0.5 million to €2.5 million in non-repayable and non-dilutive funding (for SMEs and startups).
The investment component ranges from €0.5 million to €15 million, usually in the form of equity.

Simple & Non-binding

Now interactive to the Accelerator Pre-Validation

Grafik von Einstellungen

Step 1
Short Application

In the first stage, a short proposal is submitted with a video and a pitch presentation.
Grafik von Einstellungen

Step 2
Long Application

In the second stage, the small and medium-sized enterprises with the best project proposals must submit a detailed application.
Grafik von 2 blauen Personen

Step 3
Jury Interview

Particularly promising applicants will be invited for an interview. Resubmission of applications that have been rejected twice is only possible after 12 months have elapsed.

Funding applicant

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have the potential to grow strongly internationally by implementing an innovative idea. The EIC Accelerator is aimed exclusively at individual applicants.

In order to be eligible to submit a project application, a technical project must be at Technology Readiness Level 6 (TLR 6). For this, TRL 5 must be largely completed. This means that the research must be (largely) completed and the technology must work in relevant environments.

Funding Level

Funding in the EIC Accelerator is offered in two possible options:

  • Grant funding (Grant-only): Grant-based funding can be between 0.5 and 2.5 million euros and can amount to a maximum of 70% of the total project costs.
  • Blended finance: EIC Accelerator offers, in addition to the grant-based funding, the possibility to receive equity. The amount of equity requested depends on the activities and financial needs of the applicant company. Amounts from 0.5 – 15 million euros are possible.

The EIC Accelerator has the following deadlines in 2024: October 03, 2024

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“From start-up to unicorn – almost impossible without funding”. Javier Calvet

Our expert for your eu-funding

Javier Calvet

Managing Director
Javier Calvet is a founding member and managing director. He is responsible for the international grants area.
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We offer you a global and unique 360-degree service around innovation and financing and thus you get comprehensive support for your projects.

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